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TASK 72-31-44-100-801
A.This procedure gives instructions to clean the HPC rotor stage 5 blisk (blisk) (01-490 ,72-31-00) (SIN 056A5) and (02-490 ,72-31-00) (SIN 056A5). Refer to Figure 601.
B.Use the 11C3185  lift fixture to position, lift, or turn the blisk in the working area. Refer to Subtask 72-31-44-420-001 (paragraph 4.A.) for instructions about installation and removal of the tool.
2.Tools, Equipment, and Materials.
You can use equivalent alternatives for tools, equipment, and consumable materials.
A.Tools and Equipment.
(1)Special Tools.
Tool No.
Fixture, Lift/Turn - HP Compressor Rotor, Stage 5 Blisk (lift fixture)
Fixture, Lift and Turn - General Purpose (lift/turn fixture)
(2)Standard Tools and Equipment. None
(3)Locally Manufactured Tools. None.
B.Consumable Materials. None
C.Referenced Procedures.
Wet Abrasive Blasting - Aluminum Oxide 500 Grit
Steam Cleaning
Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning
Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning
Heavy-Duty Alkaline Cleaner (Without Inhibited Phosphoric Acid)
Three-Step Heavy-Duty Alkaline Descaling (Without Inhibited Phosphoric Acid)
Four-Step Alkaline Cleaning And Acidic Descaling (Without Inhibited Phosphoric Acid)
Three-Step Heavy-Duty Alkaline Descaling (With Inhibited Phosphoric Acid)
Four-Step Alkaline Cleaning And Acidic Descaling (With Inhibited Phosphoric Acid)
D.Expendable Parts. None.
3 . General Cleaning.
Subtask 72-31-44-160-002
A.Alternative Procedures Available. Steam clean the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-03-160-001 (CLEANING METHOD 3 - STEAM CLEANING).
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Figure 601   Stage 5 Blisk
Subtask 72-31-44-160-003
A.A.Alternative Procedure. Heavy-duty alkaline clean the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-06-110-004 (CLEANING METHOD 6 - HEAVY-DUTY ALKALINE CLEANER (WITHOUT INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC ACID)).
Subtask 72-31-44-120-011
A.B.Alternative Procedure. Dry abrasive blast clean the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-04-120-B01 (Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning Method 4B).
Do not use this abrasive method to clean airfoils. This might make it harder to inspect airfoils for discoloration.
Subtask 72-31-44-120-012
A.C.Alternative Procedure. Dry abrasive blast clean the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-04-120-E01 (DRY ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING METHOD 4E).
Do not use this abrasive method to clean airfoils. This might make it harder to inspect airfoils for discoloration.
Subtask 72-31-44-110-004
A.D.Alternative Procedure. Three-step heavy-duty alkaline descale the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-07-110-005 (CLEANING METHOD 7 - THREE-STEP HEAVY-DUTY ALKALINE DESCALING (WITHOUT INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC ACID)).
Subtask 72-31-44-110-005
A.E.Alternative Procedure. Four-step alkaline clean and acidic descale the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-10-110-008 (CLEANING METHOD 10 - FOUR-STEP ALKALINE CLEANING AND ACIDIC DESCALING (WITHOUT INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC ACID))
Subtask 72-31-44-110-006
A.F.Alternative Procedure. Three-step heavy-duty alkaline descale the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-17-110-037 (CLEANING METHOD 17 - THREE-STEP HEAVY-DUTY ALKALINE DESCALING (WITH INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC ACID)).
Subtask 72-31-44-110-007
A.G.Alternative Procedure. Four-step alkaline clean and acidic descale the stage 5 blisk. Refer to TASK 70-21-20-110-038 (CLEANING METHOD 20 - FOUR-STEP ALKALINE CLEANING AND ACIDIC DESCALING (WITH INHIBITED PHOSPHORIC ACID)).
Subtask 72-31-44-120-013
A.H.Alternative Procedure. Wet abrasive blast clean the stage 5 blisk with 500 grit aluminum oxide. Refer to TASK 70-21-05-120-B02 (WET ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING METHOD 5B) and TASK 70-00-99-801-054 (S1054 - WET ABRASIVE BLASTING - ALUMINUM OXIDE 500 GRIT).
Do not use this abrasive method to clean airfoils. This might make it harder to inspect airfoils for discoloration.
4 . Tool Installation and Removal.
Subtask 72-31-44-420-001
A.Install the 11C3185  lift fixture. Refer to Figure 602 and do as follows:
(1)Put the support (item 11) below the forward side of the blisk (01-490 ,72-31-00) (SIN 056A5).
(2)Put the clamp (item 12) on the blisk (01-490 ,72-31-00) (SIN 056A5) and align it with the support (item 11). Use the holes on the two items as a reference.
(3)Attach firmly the clamp (item 12) against the support (item 11) with the knob (item 13).
(4)Install the other support (item 11) and clamp (item 12) assembly 180 degrees apart from the first assembly to make sure that the blisk (01-490 ,72-31-00) (SIN 056A5) is balanced when it is lifted.
(5)Attach firmly the other clamp (item 12) against the support (item 11) with the knob (item 13).
(6)Install the 9429M77  lift/turn fixture on the 11C3185  lift fixture.
(7)Put the lock plate adapter (item 13) on the 11C3185   lift fixture and attach it with the release pin (item 19).
(8)Use the 9429M77  lift/turn fixture to move the 11C3185  lift fixture.
Subtask 72-31-44-020-001
B.Remove the 11C3185 lift fixture. Refer to Figure 602 and do as follows:
(1)Remove the 9429M77  lift/turn fixture from the 11C3185  lift fixture as follows:
(a)Remove the release pin (item 19) and lock plate adapter (item 13) from the 11C3185  lift fixture.
(2)Loosen the knob (item 13).
(3)Remove the supports (item 11) and clamps (item 12) from the blisk (01-490 ,72-31-00) (SIN 056A5).
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Figure 602   (Sheet 1) Installation/Removal of the Lift Fixture, 11C3185, on the Blisk
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Figure 602   (Sheet 2) Installation/Removal of the Lift Fixture, 11C3185, on the Blisk